french broad river academy

french broad river academy anna kate in finland the current

From The Field – Anna Kate in Finland

I’ve had a fascination with traveling for as long as I can remember. Going to Costa Rica with FBRA is most likely what started it though. I met new people each year and lived with different families, which gave me a chance to see their different ways of living. FBRA pushed me out of my comfort zone for the three years that I attended. Many of my teachers repeated the phrase, “You can do hard things,” and although it was repetitive then, I still repeat it sometimes. Because of the time I spent with host families  in Costa Rica, I wasn’t nervous about living with a Finnish host family.

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Meet Dorrie Sieburg, FBRA Girls’ New Admissions & Communications Director

Welcome Dorrie Sieburg to FBRA as the new Admissions and Communications Director for the Girls School. Dorrie’s work and life experience over the last twenty years have pointed her toward FBRA all along the way.  After graduating from Penn State University with a BS in Education, Dorrie worked for the Student Conservation Association and Padilla

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Summer at FBRA

Empty, dark classrooms; four-square courts long for bouncing balls; and canoes lined up in storage. Summer at FBRA. However, while students and most staff take a welcome break from algebra and grammar lessons, some folks at FBRA are still hard at work over the summer. Most of what happens in the summer at FBRA focuses

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